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Fine Art Prints

Hanne Isabel work digitally with Mixed Media/Digital Graphic Art(D.G.A.) projects and a combination of painting, Photo, AI and Digital Graphic and Drawing.
She photographs the paintings and work further with them in Photoshop, add new elements and merge them into her work. This gives her an opportunity to create completely unique Art and to create an expression she aspires. 

Serie: "The Magic of Midgard". A blend with HIT`s Paintings and Photo`s.
Inspired by the well known Festival Midgardsblot who take place at Borre, Norway each Year. The Artwork is a result of the essence of her experience with the Festival that she has participate several times. 

Printed on 300g acid-free Moab matt paper and with high quality color fastness.
Signed and numbered in a limited edition of 200.

New Serie: "Angelic Hymn"
Mixed Media Work/ Digital Graphic with HIT`s Paintings,  Photo`s , AI and Digital Drawing.
Made after a Music composition by Gunnar Bernhard Ingebrigtsen. 
Go to his Youtube Channel for more deilightful music and Guidet Meditations


Printed on 300g acid-free Moab matt paper and with high quality color fastness. Giclée Quality.
Signed and numbered in a limited edition of 50 in tre different sizes. A, B and C. Will soon be available!


New Serie: "Feminin Energy"
Mixed Media Work  with HIT`s Paintings, AI, Photo, Photoshop and Digital Drawing.

Printed on 300g acid-free Moab matt paper and with high quality color fastness. Giclée Quality.
Signed and numbered in a limited edition of 50 in tre different sizes. A, B and C.


New Serie:  "Pieces of Dreams". 
Mixed Media 
Work  with HIT`s Paintings,  Photo and Digital Drawing.

Printed on 300g acid-free Moab matt paper and with high quality color fastness. Giclée Quality.
Signed and numbered in a limited edition of 50 in tre different sizes. A, B and C.





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